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S.A.P.A.B.A. (Società Anonima Prodotti Asfaltico Bitaminosi Affini) was founded near to the Reno river at the end of the 1920’s, and has always occupied the position of the principal manufacturer of gravel and related products on the Bolognese market.

The S.A.P.A.B.A men have always been outstanding for their hard work, sweat and labour, even in difficult times such as the economic crisis of 1929 or the heavy bombing of the industrial production unit in Via Pila (Pontecchio Marconi) during the Second World War.

Over the decades, numerous work sites and plants have been set up in different locations in the province of Bologna, for the production of aggregates. One of these was the original production site in Casalecchio di Reno in Via Ronzani, which was closed down in 2011; also the plant in San Martino in Pedriolo and Casteldebole; and not least, the current production plant in Via Pila in Pontecchio Marconi, opened half way through the 1950’s.

In almost 90 years of experience, S.A.P.A.B.A. has come a long way, consolidating its position, carried forwards by an efficient and convincing combination of human resources and operative skills.

The company has has registered a track record of continual growth and improvement. From gravel to great works. Important projects which have enriched our human and professional experience.



Sustainability:  we pay constant attention and are sensitive to the needs of our territory. We require that our products harmonize with the surrounding environment.

Avant garde: we are a forward-looking company, continually updating and innovating our products. This has permitted us to equip our society with the most up-to-date technology and an enormous range of diversified products.

Professional Expertise:  our wide-ranging experience and the presence within the company of outstanding and highly specialised figures have earned us an exceptional position within our market sector.

Adaptability : our transversal skills allow us to be flexible and versatile in the way we approach each new project. We are able to fully satisfy the diverse demands and requirements of the client

Bona Fide : Transparency and moral integrity are the guiding force in our daily work and strengthen the image of a solid, honest group.

Appreciation of Quality and Distinction : The consistent quality of our services and products is guaranteed by our ISO 9001-2008, certification, our attestazione SOA award and our placing on the White List .


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